Kinder Summits

Kinder Summits
OS Map : 110
Start : Edale Car Park
 The large pay car park at the road junction to Edale. This car park does get busy and there is a charge for it's use.
Summary : Edale - Grindsbrook - Crowden Head - Kinder Gates - Kinder Downfall - Kinder Low - Crowden Tower - Grindslow Knoll - Edale
distance : 14.0km.
ascent : 550m.
time : 5hr. 10min.


Current Weather

Last Updated today at : 18:09:39

Overall : broken clouds
Temperature : 2degC.
Wind Speed : 12km/hr.
Wind Direction : SE
Clouds : broken clouds
Precipitation : rain 0.1mm.
Sunrise : 8:27:40
Sunset : 18:15:27
(Times are BST)

Data from

Kinder is a largely flat plateau at a height of around 600m, some bits higher, some lower. The summit is at Crowden Head which is an indistinct top in the middle of the typical Kinder landscape. This route takes in the high point plus a few of the other major landmarks on the Kinder plateau; Kinder gates and Kinder Downfall are two such. This is a busy area and best visited off season.

From the car park in Edale, walk up to the village and through to reach the start of the Grindsbrook valley. This is where the Pennine Way originally came through but has now been re-routed up Jacobs ladder to the west. Walk along the good footpath that follows the river. The final steep section involves the use of hands. But the walker gets out onto the Kinder plateau. from here walk west for about 1km to the top of Crowden Brook. A path now goes north across the plateau. Follow this path to SK093879. From here strike directly to Crowden Head. The summit is the high point on this flat plateau. If is often difficult to convince yourself this is the top of Kinder. A small cairn marks the summit. Without GPS it was difficult, especially in cloudy days to get to the exact summit but now modern technology can confirm your position. (5.5kms. 400m. 2hrs. 30min.)

from here the route goes over to Kinder Downfall but there are no paths around, some tracks but nothing definite. best to go back to the path across the plateau at SK093879. from here continue in a northerly direction and the path crosses the plateau. As the western edge approaches the views down to Glossop open out and then a big drop. This is Kinder Downfall. It is an impressive waterfall in the wet season but in dry summers it can be no more than a trickle. In winter the frozen Downfall provides one of the few locations in the Peaks that ice climbing can take place. (2.0kms. 50m. 0hrs. 50min.)

The Pennine Way follows the western edge of Kinder, and the significant path passes Kinder Downfall. Follow the path south, with views over to Manchester on your right to reach Kinder Low. Continue in the same direction until the main path around the south of Kinder edge is reached. Follow the path around the south of the plateau to reach the rock formations of Now Stool, Pym Chair, wool Packs and then Crowden Tower. Continue around the edge of Kinder to reach the top of Grindsbrook. Rather than descending through the valley a different and more interesting descent is to follow the ridge down to Grindsbrook Knoll and then follow the path down to Edale. (6.5kms. 100m. 2hrs. 10min.)